July 9-10, 2022 in Frankfurt.
In-Person or Online!

Steve C. Hayes
Learning Process-based Therapy
A Skills Training for Targeting the Core Processes of Psychological Change in Clinical Practice

Stefan G. Hofmann
Process-Based Therapy (PBT) is a new model of evidence-based therapy that alters how we think about all existing forms of evidence-based intervention and how we implement strategies to be effective. This workshop will feature didactic presentations, demonstration of practical strategies and exercises how to utilize the core competencies in a pragmatic way in a new form of process-based therapy. Additional goals include gaining an up-to-date understanding of the transdiagnostic core processes; using a functional diagnostic system that has treatment utility; and establishing more progressive models and theories in clinical practice.
For German participants: Der Workshop ist bei der hessischen Landespsychotherapeutenkammer mit 20 Fortbildungspunkten akkreditiert.